My blogging break: What I've been doing

As you may or may not have noticed I have been severely slacking in the blog post department recently and I'll tell you why, I'm a human being who gets distracted by other things and falls out of love with things after a while. Lots of things have changed recently in my day to day life which has kept me busy and distracted, which has resulted in me writing naff posts here and there so that I've at least posted something that month. And I think its about time I got organised and get back on top :)

I thought the best way to start afresh and really get back into it was to write a post telling you all about the stuff I have been doing recently that has kept me so busy, give you an insight into my life as I find these posts more enjoying than reviewing a product if I'm honest.

So Chelsea what have you been up to since April time...?

One thing that has really impacted my day to day life recently has been work, I was officially promoted to Sales Team Leader at my work this June (after being the holding Sales Team Leader since January) :D so I've been super excited about that, and with this new title I have more responsibilities around work, especially when I am the only management in for a day. So that has really been wiping my out lately causing me to come home, make some food and flop into bed (more of a dive bomb really..). The thought of sitting on a computer for a few hours typing up something didn't really appeal to me for a while, so my laptop has been hibernating under my bed for too long now.

As well as work wiping my out with the long stressful days, I have also joined back at the gym to get back in shape after a significant number of months away. An hour in the gym or an hour class after work has been really effecting my energy levels, again I've been hibernating in bed to recover haha. But its worth it right? Kim K here I come...

I've also been making a conscious effort to see my friends more, especially my favourite girls who have busy lifes and partners that keeps them busy themselves. A night at the pub or at a restaurant for dinner has been a reoccurring theme in my weekdays in recent weeks and certain aspects of my friends lifes have changed so that seeing them during the week is easier now :)

I've also been going on adventures with friends to my new favourite place recently too, Cambridge. I could see myself living in Cambridge after my first visit there and so me and my friend James have travelled down a few times just to spend the day exploring the town and relaxing in my favourite spot, Jesus park. It is so peaceful and just a change of scenery.

Here are some photos from my most recently trip :)


Lastly, the weather recently has been amazing, what I've seen of it on my days off anyway... so I've been enjoying the sunshine on my days off having bbqs, going for walks with my family and grabbing lunch in pub gardens and just sitting outside in the sun with a drink and friend chatting about life.
*Spot the blogger* Ashleigh (All Things Ashleigh) Please don't hate me! :P

I appreciate that you guys have stuck around instead of un-following me after I haven't posted in so long so thanks guys and I assure you I have a good number of posts backed up to post in the next few weeks so watch out :P
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1 comment

  1. Lovely post Chels love it other than my photo! Hahaha I will let you off though xxxxx


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